Download the Resawod App from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and search for "CrossFit Tripod" to purchase a membership.
An Unlimited Membership entitles you to attend any classes throughout the week at any time as well as use the gym for Open Gym.
Full-time student
A Limited Membership entitles you to attend any classes and make use of the gym for Open Gym twice a week.
Vouchers include single classes and class packages
Passes entitle you to attend the number of classes indicated within the number of weeks specified below.
10 Classes Pass (to be utilized within 10 weeks)
Kids Fitness varies from Hyrox to CrossFit sessions. Strictly for Kids.
10 sessions for Kids Fitness
One Class pass for Crossfit Kids (Valid for 1 week)
Pack of 10 sessions or single sessions, one to one with a personal trainer.
Tailored training sessions to your fitness needs.
A single training session with a personal trainer
Pack of 10 training sessions personal training
A membership at a special price specifically for full-time students only
Full-time student